The purpose of the Boulder Sports Acupuncture Blog is education. Topics will range from acupuncture, diet and nutrition, training, insight into common sports injuries, narratives on local athletes, and articles submitted by the readers. The information will provide a closer look into the stories and people of our community as well as personal discussions of the health and maintenance of our mind and bodies as it pertains to Chinese Medicine.

On Fridays, a new question will be asked in what I am calling the “Friday Symposium”. Readers will have an opportunity to express their opinions and experiences regarding a topic. There is no perspective, degree, or area of expertise that has all the answers. By sharing our collective knowledge and educating each other, it is my hope we can have a greater understanding of our world.

Thank you,

Day 1

Day one is just about finished. Flew in from Boulder this morning into San Diego under cloud cover. This was unexpected. I have come to learn that June is called June Gloom by the natives. Apparently June offers this type of weather pattern. Not what I have come to expect from sunny SD.

The have three support vehicles that need to be properly stickered so the race officials know what team they belong to. So the team spent some time getting this done while other loaded them with food, water, and the proper supplies in preparation for our departure this Saturday.

This evening we had a team meal and discussed strategy for the this years RAAM. Discussion then turned to stories from pervious RAAMs. Jim is a 17 time RAAM veteran. Really neat guy. Did I mention he is 80 years old! I look forward to getting to know him better.

Pic 1 we have the active rider follow car that is always directly behind the rider. Notice the sound bar we can blast Welcome to the Jungle 24x7 to motivate the riders!

Pic 2 In this town after your bike is tuned up it is delivered to you by the Velo Van, sweet.

Pic 3 So Dave goes through all the trouble getting all dialed in on his TT bike so he can ride fast in the aero bars but then negates that advantage by adding 8 inches of rise so he is particularly up right again. Well this is a 3000 mile bike race. Let's just call it the RAAM rise:)!


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