The purpose of the Boulder Sports Acupuncture Blog is education. Topics will range from acupuncture, diet and nutrition, training, insight into common sports injuries, narratives on local athletes, and articles submitted by the readers. The information will provide a closer look into the stories and people of our community as well as personal discussions of the health and maintenance of our mind and bodies as it pertains to Chinese Medicine.

On Fridays, a new question will be asked in what I am calling the “Friday Symposium”. Readers will have an opportunity to express their opinions and experiences regarding a topic. There is no perspective, degree, or area of expertise that has all the answers. By sharing our collective knowledge and educating each other, it is my hope we can have a greater understanding of our world.

Thank you,

Endometriosis Awareness Month

Cheers to women's health! Did you know March is endometriosis awareness month? In this painful condition endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus and causes terrible pelvic pain. Endometriosis affects 5.5 million women in the US. This condition can also cause painful menses, infertility, lower back pain, and more.

Western medicine treats the symptoms of endometriosis with painkillers, surgery, birth control pills, and hormone therapy with only symptomatic relief and many times the treatments will create side effects.

Acupuncture studies have repeatedly shown a huge success rate in treating dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. So why wait? You DO NOT have to suffer intense pain every month!

For more information on treatments and how you or a loved one can be helped, call or email Boulder Sports Acupuncture TODAY!

Phone 303-506-4637


Here is an article from the Wall Street Journal with a supporting study


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