The purpose of the Boulder Sports Acupuncture Blog is education. Topics will range from acupuncture, diet and nutrition, training, insight into common sports injuries, narratives on local athletes, and articles submitted by the readers. The information will provide a closer look into the stories and people of our community as well as personal discussions of the health and maintenance of our mind and bodies as it pertains to Chinese Medicine.

On Fridays, a new question will be asked in what I am calling the “Friday Symposium”. Readers will have an opportunity to express their opinions and experiences regarding a topic. There is no perspective, degree, or area of expertise that has all the answers. By sharing our collective knowledge and educating each other, it is my hope we can have a greater understanding of our world.

Thank you,

Dear Friends,

We would be honored for you to vote for Boulder Sports Acupuncture and our office partner Massage Moment for the 2013 Best of Boulder contest!
Please take a moment to vote for us here:
Best of Boulder by the Daily Camera

*They have a pretty lengthy survey, but you can fill out as little or as much as you'd like to.

To vote for Boulder Sports Acupuncture,
select "Write In A Nominee" for #87

To vote for Massage Moment,
select "Write In A Nominee" for #99

Voting ends
March 31 at midnight!

Thank You!

Pain Management/ Injectoin Therapy Presentation

I am excited to let everyone know I will be discussing pain management treated with injection therapy on March 4th at 29th street mall. Registration is at 5:30pm and program starts at 6:00. Please let myself or Tommy from Heel know you will be in attendance.
My contact information:

Cold Laser

I am excited to share the newest modality added to Boulder Sports Acupuncture is Cold Laser! The attached picture indicates how the laser works and its healing effects.

Any questions?!!?

Keep the Holidays Stress Free!

A Way To Enjoy The Holidays Without All The Stress!

Anytime, Anywhere.

Trigger Point Self Care:

Discover the
Best Kept Secret
To Keeping The
Holidays Stress Free!

Hosted by Will Knox R.M.T.
Friday, November 30th
5-7 p.m.

Come meet  Will Knox and learn how Trigger Point Therapy can benefit you!
Trigger Point Self-Care: Your tool for a pain free lifestyle.
This simple modality is a powerful tool to:
  • Relieve Stress
  • Ease Tension
  • Stop Pain
  • Heal Injuries

Take care of yourself over the holidays with Trigger Point Therapy! 
TPT treats almost anything that ails you:
  • Neck And Back Tension And Pain
  • Headaches
  • Stress
  • Sports Injuries
  • And Much More!

Come and join us for free demonstrations, beverages & snacks, and stress relief!
Learn how to use simple self- massage techniques to liberate yourself from pain!

This event is free to attend.
Space is limited * Call today to RSVP!

Your Friends at Massage Moment
Massage Moment Advanced Therapy | 720-352-4069
2935 Baseline Rd Ste 300 Boulder, CO 80303

Meet Will Knox R.M.T.

Will moved here two years ago after running his own massage business at a guest ranch in Stanley, ID. He began studying massage therapy in 2008 in San Diego and fell in love with bodywork, particularly Trigger Point Therapy and Deep Tissue Sculpting. He decided to continue his studies in the healing arts here in Boulder and is currently pursuing his Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College.

You're Invited! Press Here to Relax!

Join Us For An Evening of SHIATSU
 With Snacks and Refreshments!
Darcie Jones, RMT, will be offering Complimentary Shiatsu Demos!
The Word Shiatsu (Shee-ah’-tzoo) literally means Finger Pressure! 
A non-invasive, intuitive modality used for balancing physical, emotional, and psychological functioning of the receiver.
  • Learn how you can use Shiatsu techniques yourself at home, work, anywhere!
  • Future discounts on massages for all attendees!
Find Out How You Can Benefit From This Healing Technique!

nd, 5-7pm
Space is Limited * Please RSVP
Call Today to Reserve YOUR FREE SPOT!
RSVP for you & a guest by Tuesday the 30th for a chance to win an Exclusive Wellness Package!


 Who is Darcie?

Darcie recently moved here from Vermont and she loves the high-energy atmosphere of Boulder. Her clients benefit from her techniques and her fitness background to reach their maximum potential. “Education is important, but a therapist needs to work on an intuitive level to best help each client.” Darcie focuses on identifying compensation patterns and reactivating muscles. Restoring healthy movement patterns is key to feeling your best. Darcie works with top athletes and weekend warriors, alike, combining Deep Tissue and Sports Massage, Shiatsu and Trigger Point Therapy, and her love for sports.

You're Invited!

Massage Moment Advanced Therapy is welcoming autumn, and our newest Massage Therapist,
with a special event for clients and their guests…

Friday, September 28th,
from 5 to 6:30pm

at Massage Moment Advanced Therapy in Boulder
2935 Baseline Road, Suite 300

Massage Therapist Nina Dropcho presents

Get Un-Thai'd
(with Thai-Yoga Massage)

Join us for a "Thai Happy Hour" on a Friday evening & discover the health  benefits of Thai Massage, Ayurvedic medicine from Thailand, practiced for 7,000 years!

* Do you have stiff joints? sore muscles? tension, pain?
*Are your work and lifestyle taking their toll on your body?
* Want to recover faster & stronger from sports training?

Nina will offer complimentary Thai massage, and tips for living pain-free. We'll have drawings for fun & healthy prizes! Nina will demonstrate Thai-Yoga and stretches.
And she will show you simple exercises you can do ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, so you can FEEL BETTER and MOVE BETTER INSTANTLY!

R.S.V.P. with a GUEST by Thursday the 27th

for a chance to win an exclusive wellness package!
Friday, September 28th,
from 5:00 - 6:30pm

ph: 720-352-4069

Space is Limited * Call Today to Reserve Your Free Space

Who Is Nina?
Nina Dropcho recently came to Boulder from the Aspen Valley. While there, Nina gave massage to Olympic snowboarders, world-class skiers and rock climbers, and also fun-seeking weekend warriors. She describes her style of massage as sports-oriented. A typical massage session features stretchy Thai, Deep Tissue to work the knots out, and relaxing Swedish massage to smooth it all out. But Nina also believes in training her clients for the sport of LIFE, with massage to relieve stress or pain, and to prevent injury. Nina also offers PreNatal and Hot Stone massage.
Copyright © *2011* *Massage Moment Advanced Therapy*, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
2935 Baseline Road Ste. 300
Boulder, CO 80303
Massage Specials available for attendees!
Want to be a speaker at a future event?
Drop us a line.

Race Day 4

Fatigue sets in. Caloric depravation. "A prison with no walls". The veteran RAAMer Rick Schultz is experiencing the effects of this race. It's not just another ultra race. The formula for success is so varied. From team to team, day to day, even hour to hour. At this moment Rick is in what he calls a prison with no walls.

Take a moment to place yourself on your bike riding across this country for 3000 miles. Mentally what this image do to you? Instead of the imagine or bars, guards, and cinder block walls you are subjugated by the elements and your thoughts. Heat so intense not only do the rays of sun incessantly whip at your back you also feel as if the never ending blast of heat from the tarmac taunts at your feet like at any moment, with out any further notice, they will just burst into flames. With a concentrated plan to buffer yourself from the heat you dress you self in the life saving coolness ice has into your jersey, water bottle, into your shorts as you watch the strategy to stay in this thing literally melt away. Your intentions literally evaporate in front of you eyes. Now feel the chill of the Colorado air cut through every layer clothing you have on at 11,000 feet. All you want to do is get out of the cold...the only sensation your mind obsessed over just 5 hours before. This wind that will blow without reprieve all day long drying your skin, mouth, and all desire to roll forward transforms you into a sad out line of a dried up salty puddle.

Go beyond the cranky short tempered mood low blood sugar puts you into that place where making a simple decision requires so much effort. To a place where you want to eat, no you must eat, and because you have planed so well you have everything you could ever want to eat with you on this adventure but nothing looks good, tastes right, or could ever fill the vacuity of your stomach. If that isn't enough your mind is making you second guess everything.

Any good athlete understands the power of the mind and knows being successful means believing you will be first. Focus, getting into the zone, and visualizing. So when your mind plays tricks on you making your fortitude into a mirage and even planting the seed of doubt and watches as it insidiously grows is a dangerous place to be is where Rick might be.

This is just an opaque idea of what is happening to these athletes. Rick comments to us to inquire if the thoughts and feelings he is having are real. He judges by our response as best he can. We must be careful in our response. He trusts us. My impression of the man is one of respect, intention, and intelligence. When someone like this asks if his suspicions are true I am taken back. In my mind I say of course not. Is that all it takes. Can I connect with him. Have I already to a point he will simply trust what I say because he understands the place he is in? We must at times be his heart. Yes the pumps the blood around this bag of tissue we are. But beyond that the heart is our spirit. Our truest nature. We must speak to that place inside him where the reason for doing RAAM resides. If we can meet him there that is Truth meeting truth. That is a real place. From here this RAAM is history.

Well this is where we are.... Rick is safe. We are safe. But it's time to come up with a new strategy.
Stay tuned,